
A vasectomy is a form of birth control during which the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm, are cut. When the tube is cut, there is no way for sperm to be released from the penis. This procedure is considered a permanent form of birth control, but it is possible to have a reversal surgery should a patient change their mind in the future. 

Benefits of a Vasectomy

It is recommended that men only get a vasectomy when they are certain that they no longer wish to have children. It is the preferred choice for many couples because:

  • The use of male birth control (condoms) or female birth control (pills, IUDs, etc.) may no longer be desirable.
  • The procedure has an extremely low failure rate. 
  • It is much less expensive than female sterilization.

Vasectomy Types

In many cases, a vasectomy will be performed in-office and is considered an outpatient procedure.  Full-anesthesia is usually not required, only a local anesthetic is necessary. There are two ways to complete this procedure:

Traditional Vasectomy

The surgeon will use a scalpel to create one or two small incisions on either side of the scrotum. The surgeon will remove a small section of the vas deferens. The tubes are tied, and/or cauterized so that they are closed and can no longer transport sperm.

No-Scalpel Vasectomy

A no-scalpel vasectomy does not use incisions, rather, the surgeon is able to access the vas deferens through very small holes. Often, no stitches are needed for this form of surgery.

Recovery After the Procedure

It is recommended that patients rest for at least one or two days post-procedure. Shortly after this period most people can return to regular daily activities. If you are unsure about whether or not it is safe to engage in any routine task, please consult with your urologist.

Immediately following a vasectomy, there will be bruising and swelling, but those symptoms should subside after a few days. Applying ice packs every few hours can help control these symptoms. Wearing tight-fitting underwear so that the scrotum is provided extra support can help with post-procedure swelling.

It is recommended to get plenty of bed rest during the first week. Avoiding bathing for about 48 hours will allow the incisions to heal faster. It is important to take all post-procedure medications as directed by your urologist. 

Sex After a Vasectomy

It is often recommended to wait at least two weeks before having sexual intercourse. Keep in mind, you are not sterile right away. Ejaculate may still contain sperm and may continue to for several months after the procedure. After a few months, the doctor will check sperm levels to confirm that it is declining until it reaches zero. You are not considered sterile until told as such by your urologist.

The vasectomy should not affect your sex drive and orgasms. Occasionally, men feel a slight pressure in their testicles when aroused, but that feeling typically goes away with time.